De Radikale står i en nærmest genial situation!

På cykel hjem fra arbejde, fik jeg den mest geniale tanke: Der er penge i De Radikales krise! Da jeg kom hjem søgte jeg samtlige bookmakere, for at finde et odds på hvordan De Radikale kommer til at klare sig til kommunalvalget i København. Efter hele sagen med Anna Mee Allerslev, tænker du måske at jeg ville oddse på, at De Radikale kommer til at klare sig dårligt. Men nej det er faktisk ikke tilfældet. Hvis jeg havde kunne finde en bookmaker som havde sat odds på kommunalvalget, så havde jeg faktisk oddset på at De Radikale ville komme til at klare sig godt. Og hvorfor så det?!

Jo, nu skal I høre min teori: I morgen – fredag – bliver der på et medlemsmøde valgt en helt ny og – for mange vælgere – “frisk” spidskandidat. Medierne vil flokkes om ham/hende, for det er jo en helt unik historie, at en kandidat så sent i valgkampen pludselig bliver spidskandidat. Hermed får den nye spidskandidat et gigantisk talerør for at komme ud med sine politiske ideer og holdninger. Ja, det er – som jeg ser det – en nærmest genial situation for De Radikale. Hvis de spiller deres kort rigtigt, har de i hvert fald en gylden mulighed for at få et godt valg. Det skal dog lige siges, at jeg på ingen måder tror det bliver en jordskredsejr, de har jo stadigvæk Alternativet at slås med. Men jeg er ret overbevidst om at De Radikale faktisk kan få et bedre valg, end med Anna Mee Allerslev ved roret (endda selvom hun ikke havde haft alle møgsagerne).

Er der nogen der tør vædde en lakridspibe med mig? Jeg vil vædde på, at De Radikale får en borgmester i Københavns kommune…



En tanke om “De Radikale står i en nærmest genial situation!”

  1. 1. Take every opportunitty to cuddle. Cuddling is an important way to make contact and feel close without hsving to take off your clothes. Whether you’re watching a movie together or laying in bed, reach out and wrap your arms around your partner to feel that physical closeness together.
    Grab your partner’s hand, put youd arm around their waist or shoulder, and make an effort to include more touch.
    Sometimes, one person has to initiate the contact.
    2. Share a long hug. Hugging reduces stress and increases bonding between you and your partner. Get in the habit of hugging your partner when yul come together and separate. For example, hug your partner before going to work or school in the morning and when you see them after a reunion (such as seeing each other after school or work).
    Give a solid hug by wrapping your arms around your partner and not letting go right away.
    If hugging doesn’t come naturally to your partner, ask folr the hug directly.
    3. Breathe together. Breathing together can be physically and emotionally intimate without even touching each other. Start by sitting across from each other and facing one another. Begin focusing on your berath and breathing with your eyes cvlosed. When you feel ready, open your eyes and watch your partner’s stomach moving with their breath.
    The air you breathe will become the air that your partner breathes. Whether you start to breathe together or not, you should feel in sync with your partner.
    After you complete this exercise can be a great time to talk and have those deep conversations that seem so difficult in other situations.
    4. Lockk eyes together. Gaing at eah other can be a sign of love and connection. You imght feel vulnerable or even a bhit fearful once you and your partner lock eyes. Keep the connection and step outside of feeling embarrqssed or scared and focus on your partner. Recognize that you can feel sae and secure, even when your partner sees you for who you are.
    Spend some time locking eyes with your partner. Sit across from each other and look into each other’s eyes. Start with 30 seconds, then move the time up as you feel comfortabble.
    5. Kiss passionately. If your kisses have moved to pecks, bring abck the passion that comes from a good kiss or makeout session. Kissing can contribute to improving intimacy, especially in long-term relationship. Couples who kiss more frequently report higher levels of relationship satisfaction.
    Give your partner different kinds of kisses. For example, kiss on the lips, on the cheek, neck, hand, and other parts of the body (that won’t lead to having sex).
    6. Trfy intimate touching. You might not want to have sex, but there are sexual activities that you can do together that involve many of the same feelings and sensations without the actual cat. For example, touch each other, kiss each other’s bodies, and lick eavh other. These actions can allow you ti be intimate, without worrying about some of the consequences of sex itself.
    aTlk about your comfort level with your partner. If you are purposefully abstaining from sex, thhen create specific bondaries for relating in a physically intimate way. For example, you may be comfortable kissing but not taking your clothes off…
    Dates in your neighbourhood (over 18yo,

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